Matching current issues (newspaper headlines) with the type of federal, concurrent, and state responsibilities
*Based on Manual Kesedaran Sivik Sekolah Menengah - Tajuk: Sistem Demokrasi Learning standards: 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on a wide range of familiar topics 3.2.1 Read a variety of suitable print and digital texts to investigate and analyse national issues 4.1.1 Explain information from (i) diagrams, (ii) charts (iii) tables (iv) graphs or other visuals Materials : Federal, concurrent, state list , glue, cut-up of newspaper headlines , mahjong paper, marker pen, worksheet , dictionary, ( newspaper headlines teacher's copy with answers ) *For the newspaper headlines, for current issues under the state list, it is suggested for teachers from other states (this lesson is Sabah-centric) to look for newspaper headlines that are relevant to the current issues that are present in their state Lesson objectives: 1. Students will be able to matc...