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Civic awareness project-based learning toolkit

 Sparking civic awareness through English language learning


1. Develop students' sense of civic awareness

2. Practice argumentative writing skills

The driving question: What community issues do you want to solve? (Let students choose)

Step 1: Research the issue

a) Observations (What do you see happening around the school/community?)

b) Interview (What are other students/people saying about what is happening around the school/community? What are their opinions? *Encourage students to use the 5W1H questions to formulate the interview questions)

c) Internet search

Step 2: Describe the problem

1. What is the problem in your school/community? Explain the disadvantages.

2. How does it affect you, your friends, your family, and your neighbors?

Step 3: Propose a solution

1. What are the solutions to his problem?

2. How can we solve it?

3. Who should be involved?

Step 4: Present the facts

1. What other schools/communities/countries are doing this?

2. Explain

Step 5: Summarize and conclude your proposal

Step 6: Presentation 

For advanced students, try to get an audience from outside. As for me, I invited the school admins.

For low to intermediate students, get them to present in front of you. I did this with my low-intermediate classes. 

These suggestions are based on their affective factors and confidence. 

Reflection questions for students (must be asked at the end of the project):

1    1. What were some of the most interesting discoveries you made while working on this project? About the problem? About yourself? About others?
2.      How do you feel about the solution related to real-world situations and problems?
3.      What has been the most challenging thing about working on this project so far?
4.      What advice would you give other students just starting on this project?



1. Allocate each step per week

2. The teacher has to facilitate and monitor, check grammar

3. Provide internet search in the classroom 


Download PBL writing template here (a reference for low-intermediate proficiency students)

Samples of my students' work


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