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Showing posts from June, 2023

Critical Consumption and consumerism

 Based on curriculum specifications - Core value: Responsibility (Global Sustainability) Objectives: 1) Students will be able to categorize environmentally friendly and non-environmentally products. 2) Students will be able to evaluate the impact of their consumption choices on transportation, production, and the environment, society, and their own well-being. 3) Students will be able to identify products that align with their values and boycott products that go against their beliefs. Materials: Whiteboard and markers, video, computer, big paper Procedure: Show  video Warm-up (10 mins):  1. Ask students what is the item shown on the video and what are the environmental impacts as a result of the product? 2. Ask students to brainstorm the different types of products they consume on a daily basis. Write these on the whiteboard. Then ask students to categorize these products as either environmentally friendly or not. Evaluation of consumption choices (20 mins):  1. Teacher divides student