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Project-based learning: Envisioning a sustainable city/town (SDG 11)

The driving question: How do you envision your town/city to be more sustainable? 

*Before starting the project, identify an organization or a group of individuals who can provide feedback on your students' PBL product. Write a formal letter endorsed by your principal inviting them to partner with your school. 


1. Enhance students' vocabulary (less common lexis) on the theme of 'environment'

2. Produce community solutions in the context of sustainable city/town planning

English language proficiency level: Intermediate to Advanced

Stage 1: Introduction to sustainable city/town planning (Period of implementation: 1 - 1 and a half hour)

1. Show a video on 'sustainable city planning' to students on Youtube (Listening activity)     

a) Show them this video - 

b) Distribute this handout to them. They watch and listen while filling out the handout. Play the video twice. Check for answers. 

c) Show this video to the students. Ask students what is it about, what was the problem, & what were the solutions.

Stage 2: Group discussion (Suggested period of implementation: 1 week)

Instruct students to identify what they have observed concerning the four aspects of sustainable city/town planning (Green spaces, public transport, waste management, energy efficiency)

Prompt questions:

a) How are the conditions of sustainability in your community? 

b) What is the problem in your school/community? Explain the disadvantages.

c)  How does the condition affect you, your friends, your family, and your neighbors?

*Instruct students to write their discussion findings in their notebooks.

Stage 3: Interviewing the community (Suggested period of implementation: 1-2 weeks)

a) Students get in their groups and formulate 5 questions based on the 5W1H questions. 

b) The questions should cater to all four aspects of sustainable town planning. 

c) Instruct students to interview people closest to them. Ask about what they observed and the effects. It could be their adult family members or neighbours. Get the students to ask about their opinions on the four aspects of sustainable town planning. 

*The interview can be done in their home language but answers must be translated into English and written down in their notebooks. As for the questions, check the questions they have formed whether they're relevant or not.

Stage 4: Create a visual presentation of student findings from stage 2 and stage 3 (One period)

a) In groups, instruct students to create a mindmap of the findings that they have gathered

*Rationale: To organize & synthesize their findings in a more brief and understandable manner

Stage 5: Propose solutions through various formats (multi-modal) (Suggested period of implementation: 3-4 months)

a) Show students some samples on how they can present their vision for a sustainable town/city - articles, maps, videos (creative documentary), brochure, and podcast. Encourage students to leverage on their skills and talents. 

b) Students get into groups and discuss how they can create a more sustainable town/city for their community. Remind them to focus on the four aspects - Green spaces, public transport, waste management, energy efficiency

*If it is evident that students have not grasped the concept of one or more of the aspects, it is best to create a mini-lesson on it.

Download this editable powerpoint presentation to show the samples and instructions.

Stage 6: Students present their products to experts on sustainable city planning

a) Depending on time and resources, this can be done in physical settings, live virtual sessions, or presented asynchronously

b) The experts provide feedback based on a few criteria (document)

*My students' projects were presented asynchronously through a google drive which was sent to the group of experts to evaluate. Students read the feedback from the experts which was written on a form.

Stage 7: Get students to reflect on their experience and the feedback they received

Reflection questions:

1. Through the sustainable town planning PBL, how do you see the importance of your role as a resident of the town?
2. How did you navigate challenges during the PBL process, and what were the most significant lessons learned?
3. In what ways do you believe your sustainable town planning project can positively impact the community and the environment?
4. Were there any unexpected discoveries or innovative solutions that emerged during your sustainable town planning project?
5. What do you personally think of the feedback given by [the individual or organization that the school is partnering with]?

A few ways to do this:

a) One-to-one with the teacher

b) A presentation to the whole class/school

c) Online webinar

d) Podcast (Listen to my students' reflections here )

*This stage can be used for teachers to collect data and make improvements for future PBLs

My students' samples (This is restricted. You need to request access.)

Tips: Throughout the implementation of the PBL, teachers need to consistently monitor grammar and content as well as encourage students to do internet searches.

Enrichment activity: Speaking practice (SPM format - Part 3), Writing practice (SPM format - Part 2)

*The enrichment activity can be used as an assessment instrument for pre and post-PBL implementation to gauge students' use and development of vocabulary.

For further questions, you can email me at


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